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The Retirement Crisis Visually Explained

- An Interactive Visual Experience of Real Vision's Story

2020.6 // Time

Visualiser // Contributions

Real Vision //  Company

Not long after the pandemic outbreak, the question regarding the Coming Retirement Crisis resurfaced again. In Real Vision’s special episode by the CEO and Co-Founder Raoul Pal, it poses several hard questions to the Baby Boomer and the younger generation: Can you afford to retire? How will the coming crisis impact your life and the economy? A duo team at Ink Strategy extracted the insights from the episode, designed and implemented an interactive experience of the story, enabling a visually empowered narrative.

Design Process


After the clear briefing and discussion on the objectives of the project, we decided to provide a visual overview of the story with options to deep dive into chapters. Like many Bigger Picture projects done at Ink Strategy, the project kick-started with research and sketches. During the iterative process, we gradually converge the scope and granularity of how to tell the story.

The first draft with the attempt to clearly define the chapters

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After the internal feedback round, the sketch was elaborated and pushed to a more detailed version. We indicated the key turning points as the visual focal points of the perspective as well as the color. 


The visual was colored in a way to differentiate the chapters, which would be separately introduced in a certain sequence.

Design Result

This visual was then adapted with interactivity, giving a more in-depth and fact-based understanding of each chapter. The platform was implemented by Mart Veeken. 

Real Vision featured this adaptation and set up a survey to evaluate this way of storytelling. Click the button on the right to share your thoughts.

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